
Cadastrado por Geane Carvalho Alzamora
Título do projeto
Transmedia communication methods and strategies: Education for sustainability
Resumo do projeto
The project focuses on theoretical, empirical, and methodological aspects of transmedia communication. Its aim is to understand the distribution processes of media content across multiple media platforms in a continuous flow enriched by connected audiences. Thus, the proposition is to study transmedia processes of communication in the scope of education and sustainability.
This research proposition follows a series of academic activities of international cooperation on transmedia studies already developed by the coordinator of this project, Professor Geane Carvalho Alzamora (Department of Social Communication/UFMG, Brazil) and Associate Professor Renira Rampazzo Gambarato (School of Education and Communication/Jönköping University, Sweden).
Instituições parceiras
Jönköping University (JO) - Suécia
Docentes do PPGCOM envolvidos
Geane Carvalho Alzamora
Grupos de pesquisa envolvidos
MediaAção - Grupo de pesquisa em Mídia, Semiótica e Pragmatismo
Página Web
Produtos e atividades
Seminar of partial results in Brazil (online or offline);
. Seminar of final results in Sweden (online or offline);
. Book Transmedia Dynamics: Theory, Methods, and Strategic Planning;
. Articles in international peer-review journals.
More broadly, it is intended to promote the sharing of experiences related to this project between students and teachers of public schools in Portuguese-speaking countries, in an intercultural, transnational and transmedia perspective. The proposal involves five stages: diagnosis, planning, product development, execution of planned actions and evaluation of the results achieved.

Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas (FAFICH)
Secretaria do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação Social
Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627 - Campus Pampulha - Sala 4234 - 4º Andar - CEP: 31270-901 - Belo Horizonte/MG
CONTATO: (31) 3409-5072 / E-mail: